Thursday, April 27, 2017

How Ayurvedic Medicine Helps To Treat Obesity

Obesity is a common nutritional disorder that has resulted into stress among people of all age groups. The mushrooming of slimming centers, weight loss pills and diet plans in the recent past are all pointers of how people are disturbed by obesity. The condition results from excess accumulation of fats in the body as a result of excess intake of food.

When you take an excess of 50 calories in a day, you are said to increase weight by 25 kgs within a ten-year period. While scientists largely attribute the cause for the condition to intake of excess food, studies also reveal that genes could play a significant role too. There is no cure for obesity but a method that is slowly gaining popularity for countering obesity successfully is ayurvedic medicine.

Ayurvedic Medicines:

For many years now, ayurvedic medicines has been used as a mode of treatment for obesity across many countries in the world. The mode of treatment usually is constitutional and needs a detailed case history of the patient and evaluation so that the best remedy can be selected.

1.     Calcarea carbonica is a ayurvedic medicine that is administered when a patient has excess fat on their abdomen area. The constitutional symptoms are profuse perspirations on the head, low tolerance for cold air and strange cravings like desire to eat chalk.
2.     Natrum mur is used for patients with excess of weight in their thighs and buttocks. Excessive heat and intolerance towards sun are the constitutional symptoms for this homeopathic medicine.
3.     Lycopodium is used similar to the natrum Mur. However, here the constitutional symptoms vary in that they are used on patients suffering from gastric troubles. Patients have a liking for hot food and sweet stuff. These are just a few examples.

Other methods for weight loss:
Homeopathic medicines work by stimulating the metabolic rate of the body to burn fat much faster and as such should be used with exercise and a controlled balanced diet comprising of proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates and minerals. When these three are combined, the results are much faster and the degree of weight loss will be much higher.

To win over obesity the key thing is to take adequate amounts of food as diet which is the greatest cause of obesity. Taking ayurvedic medicines will help increase your body's metabolic rate and coupled with exercise and controlled diet, you will be on a recovery from obesity.

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