Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Natural Beauty Products That Could Save Your Skin

If you’re already eating organically, recycling regularly, and using eco-friendly sprays to clean your home, then you’re more than ready to take the plunge into natural beauty. Whether you’re looking for organic skin care or paraben-free makeup, there are plenty of choices that do as much good for your face as the Earth. We gathered up our favorite brands that use either all-organic ingredients or a mix of natural and organic ingredients.

Protecting your Skin
As the largest organ of the body, your skin not only absorbs lots of nutrients, but it can also take in a number of toxins each day. Since your skin acts as your body’s barrier against those toxins, it’s so important to be aware of just what you’re using! If you’re putting dangerous ingredients on your skin, you can bet those are getting into your body—exactly where they don’t belong. For example, many traditional skin care products can contain endocrine-disrupting phthalates or parabens. While these poisons can cause reproductive issues, they’re also linked to increased cancer risk, and studies also suggest the more products you use, the higher toxic concentrations can get in your body. And, because cosmetics are notorious for having these toxic ingredients, I suggest avoiding makeup completely. But if you must use it, why not look for natural or organic makeup instead?

Benefits of Natural Ingredients

Many of us can use skin care products each day; that could be full of toxic chemicals. Going organic with your skin care routine will help your skin and body steer clear of those toxins & there are other perks. A recent study suggests using natural ingredients for skin care can help treat hyperpigmentation and inflammation, while another comments on how it can help with photoaging (skin damage caused by the sun’s rays over our lifetimes).

What’s Behind Skin Care Products

The process of developing and putting a skin care product on the market can be shrouded in mystery, and sometimes regulations fall short. Believe it or not, the FDA doesn’t need to approve what ingredients are added to personal care products or cosmetics and can only request, not order, that a company pull a skin care product, regardless of what’s in it. But it doesn’t have to be this way; we believe a great company should stand behind a natural product, and believe in what it can do—that products can help you maintain a clean body and live a healthy lifestyle. Here’s what you can count on when you buy from our natural skin care line:

1)  NO harmful chemicals, irritants, or preservatives. 

2)  Non-allergenic and carefully formulated with all natural, organic ingredients.

Isn’t it time to try something better for your skin and your health? After all, it’s our mission to bring back good health, positive thinking, happiness, and love. The benefits and advantages of using natural skin care remedies are no longer in question. Healthy, beautiful skin at home begins with the decisions you make at the cosmetic counter today. The only logical choice is to trash your chemically-laden skin care regimen and opt for natural beauty products instead.

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